Na této stránce můžete nalézt klíčové dokumenty vydaných nejrůznějšími kompetentními autoritami prezentující aktuální strategie a cíle dalšího směřování oboru BOZP a souvisejících oblastí včetně požadavků na realizaci výzkumných aktivit.


Název dokumentu Vydal Rok
Strategická výzkumná agenda (SVA): verze 2014 Česká technologická platforma bezpečnosti průmyslu 2014
Strategická výzkumná agenda (SVA): verze 2011 Česká technologická platforma bezpečnosti průmyslu 2011
Národní akční program bezpečnosti a ochrany zdraví při práci Rada vlády ČR pro bezpečnost a ochranu zdraví při práci 2019
Národní politika bezpečnosti a ochrany zdraví při práci České republiky MPSV 2008
Priorities for occupational safety and health research in Europe: 2013-2020 EU-OSHA 2013
Prevention of major accidents, work-related illnesses and injuries to personnel in the petroleum industry Research Council of Norway 2011
EU-OSHA Multi-Annual Strategic Programme (MSP) 2014-2020 EU-OSHA 2013
Opinion of the Committee of the Regions on the Community Strategy 2007-2012 on Health and Safety at Work European Union 2007
European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks: Managing safety and health at work EU-OSHA 2010
Expert forecast on emerging chemical risks related to occupational safety and health EU-OSHA 2009
A strategy for workplace health and safety in Great Britain to 2010 and beyond HSE 2004
Expert forecast on emerging physical risks related to occupational safety and health EU-OSHA 2005
Expert forecast on emerging psychosocial risks related to occupational safety and health EU-OSHA 2007
Foresight of New and Emerging Risks to Occupational Safety and Health Associated with New Technologies in Green Jobs by 2020: Phase I – Key Drivers of Change EU-OSHA 2011
Foresight of New and Emerging Risks to Occupational Safety and Health Associated with New Technologies in Green Jobs by 2020: Phase II – Key Technologies EU-OSHA 2011
New and emerging risks to occupational safety and health in the electricity sector EU-OSHA 2014
Workers’ health: global plan of action ILO 2007
Global Strategy on Occupational Safety and Health ILO 2003
Green jobs and occupational safety and health: Foresight on new and emerging risks associated with new technologies by 2020 EU-OSHA 2013
HSE Strategy for Medical Education, Training and Research HSE 2007
The human machine interface as an emerging risk EU-OSHA 2009
Labour inspectorates’ strategic planning on safety and health at work EU-OSHA 2009
Management Plan and Work Programme EU-OSHA 2012
Management of psychosocial risks at work: An analysis of the findings of the European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks EU-OSHA 2012
New and emerging risks in Occupational Safety and Health: Annexes EU-OSHA 2009
New and emerging risks in occupational safety and health: Outlook 1 EU-OSHA 2009
New risks and trends in the safety and health of women at work EU-OSHA 2013
OiRA Promotion and Implementation Strategy EU-OSHA 2013
EU-OSHA Strategy 2009-2013 EU-OSHA 2008